
Friday 17 October 2014

Positive&negative space/typographic exercise at home

In this session we talked about negative and positive space in typography. Then we had to choose 2 random words and with printed alphabet to arrange the letters to form the words we had chosen while playing with the negative space. I chose the words ''Brat'' and ''Sushi''. I have tried a couple of times, but I found it hard, then I decided that  I'll try again at home, when I have enought time to think about the idea of the negative space and to use it properly. The firs picture I've uploaded is the work I did at college with the word ''Brat'.' 



The Last three are sketches I did at home with the same words, while figuring out how to use the negative space 

The other photos that I've attached are some works I did at home, some of the photos are not that related but somehow they represent the idea of the negative space:




I did this at home as an positive&negative space exercise with typography. We had the same exercise but on paper; I wanted to try using illustrator to create the same effect. Technically it's not perfect as I'm still learning Illustrator, but I've tried to show my idea. 

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