
Thursday 9 October 2014

Building letters from simple shapes

In this session we had to made the whole alphabet  in Adobe Ilustrator by chopping, overlapping and rotating circles, squares and triangles. We were shown how to work with Rulers and Guides, as well as the scissors tool in order to chop bits of the shapes.  I worked mostly with overlapping, and the pent tool to delete anchor points, also I used the pathfinder tool to divide object and delete the bits I did't want. After we had finished with building the letter we had had to coloured them and work with the transparency tool to transparent the colour so we can see the different parts of the letter. I've attached photos of my work.  The last one is the work I did in college. I was not happy with the results as I was in rush and didn't have much time to think of it,  that's why I've try a couple of time at home and as result I did the letters from the photos 5, 6 and 7.  I like them more as I used less colours with more cool shades and not so bright colours in which you could get lost.

done at home
done at home

done at home

college work 

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