
Tuesday 14 October 2014

Positive and Negative space

In this session we discussed what is Positive and Negative space, and how to use them in correct way in the composition.
Positive and negative space always work together when we create composition of art.
In a composition there can be a balance between the positive and negative space or there can be mostly positive ot mostly negative space.
Positive space are the areas in a work of art that are the subject or in other words positive space is the space occupied by the Subject or areas of interest.
Negative space is the area around the subject/s or in other words negative space is the space that is not the Subject/s
For every positive shape there is a negative shape surrounding.
 Here's some examples:

Faces or a Vase? 
In this picture if we see a Vase, then we se the white space as the positive space and the black space as a negative space. however if we see faces, then we see the black space as the positive space and the whites pace as the negative space.
''Negative space can be used to depict a subject in a chosen medium by showing everything around the subject but not the subject itself. Usage of negative space will produce a silhouette of the subject. Most often, though, negative space is used as a neutral or contrasting background to draw attention to the main subject which is then referred to as the positive space.''
In his 2001 book The Art of Looking Sideways, Alan Flethcer discusses the importance of exemplifying ''space'' as a substance:
''Space is substance. Cezanne painted and modelled space. Giacometti sculpted by "taking the fat off space". Mallarme conceived poems with absences as well as words. Ralph Richardson asserted that acting lay in pauses... Issac Stern described music as "that little bit between each note - silences which give the form"... The Japanese have a word (ma) for this interval which gives shape to the whole. In the West we have neither word nor term. A serious omission.''
Well balanced positive and negative space 

                                Shigeo Fukada
In this poster, negative space (red) is used cleverly against the positive space (white), to create new meaning

The Guild of Food Writer’s logo is a wonderfully simple design incorporating the essential aspects of the organisation: the nib of a pen representing members’ scriptural endeavours with a spoon in the negative space signalling their subject matter. The guild is a professional association linking food writers and broadcasters in the United Kingdom.

The Bronx Zoo. We can see how the negative space forms the shapes of skyscrapers 

'Moby Dick' book cover design by Alexander Johnson

Carrefour is a French worldwide hypermarket chain whose trading logo contains a negative space letter C.

Animal Rescue Sofia is a charity founded with the aim of saving and caring for homeless animals around the Bulgarian capital, with particular focus on the problem of stray dogs. The organisation’s charming logo combines a dog’s face and a carer’s hand forming a heart shape.

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